For centuries, fashionistas have coveted bags?handbags, purses, clutches, pocketbooks, bags with logos, bags with sequins, and even bags with feathers. Functional and beautiful, handbags come in a breathtaking assortment of designs, colors, materials, and styles. Discover some of the world's most iconic bags in Bags to Love, a stylish pop-up book for grown-ups. This unique fashion book includes five stunning pop-ups, showcasing iconic handbags by Herm?s, Marc Jacobs, and Lulu Guinness, as well as a traditional portmanteau and a hexagonal evening bag. Learn all about the history of bags, from fourteenth-century adorned pouches to the status symbol statement bags of the 21st century, and discover the designers who created them, including Chanel, Judith Leiber, Prada, Calvin Klein, Burberry, Fendi, Michael Kors, Chloe Paddington, Kate Spade, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Carlos Falchi. This witty and fascinating homage to the handbags comes with a free bag hook.